Thursday 31 July 2008

First lesson today was English...did some journal on newspaper articles...then was PE, played badminton...supposed to play softball but swapped with badminton instead...then chinese...nothing much to elaborate on...then after recess was bio, learnt more about the human heart and how it works...then it was maths, did a few questions on properties of circles and last lesson was CME, also nothing much to elaborate on.

Then band prac, played the NDP pieces and I learnt some conducting techniques from Mr Yeo, made some mistakes...a bit malu...but was a gd lesson on conducting. After that we practiced March Blue Sky...did it much slower but at least we managed to run through...Sec 1s...u guys are improving..pls continue like this and u will be playing as good as the seniors or even better some day... :)

Sunday 27 July 2008

Went for the open division finals yesterday...was very impressed with the bands that performed...ACS(I) was the most wierd one, they enter the stage and they dropped some percussion instruments, they left the stage they also dropped some percussion instruments. After the competition, Regent performed Navigations and the Philharmonic Youth Winds performed Symphonic Overture. Then the awards ceremony...Regent did not claim their prize of a trophy and S$2000 becoz I dunno why....Philharmonic Youth winds won S$2000 and trophy...then the Open Division finals results: Assumption College Lampang (Thailand) 4th, Neowinds (HK) 3rd, ACS(I) 2nd, winning S$4000 and a trophy and Maris Stella Alumni 1st, winning S$10000 and a trophy...the whole thing ended abt almost 11...that wraps up my saturday

Friday 25 July 2008

Today's weather was cold...drizzling the whole day...had a band workshop in the afternoon with Mr. Toshio Akiyama...was educational, learnt a lot of things from him...also found out that he is the author of one of our warm up training books :)...received our pieces for our HK trip...did a little sight reading myself n homed after that...117 days to our HK trip...lets work hard DMB!!!

Thursday 24 July 2008


Kind of late posting the results we got...DMB attained 76.29% in the SIBF, which gives us a bronze...the name really sux..but anyway I'm satisfied with the results as we did our best and we can only keep improving...had NDP rehearsal was very small..but I appreciate those who turned up today even though they were tired from yesterday's competition..Hong Kong trip in 118 days...pls continue to work hard DMB!!

Monday 21 July 2008

Racial Harmony Day

Today was racial harmony day...the whole school went out for class went to the Buddha Tooth Relic Temple, Sri Mariamman Temple and Jamae Chulia r some of the pics...

Yup...enjoyed the outing today...came back to school...had band my new mouthpiece :D...many thx to ms foo...managed to run through our competition pieces a few times with those who were there...after everyone else went home, took a few videos with the guys...v funny...if anyone wants to view them pls look for me...haha :)

Saturday 19 July 2008

Had band prac in the was Mr Yeo's BIRTHDAY!!! Yup...each section presented him with fruits and a letter....unfortunately some of us had to leave during break time for ushering at IMM for the SYF...lasted the whole afternoon...made even worse when the guest-of-honour arrived late...yup that wraps up my day...

Friday 18 July 2008

5 more days to SIBF

Was a fine day today......opened the band room and we had a little combine together, left abt 4...went home, changed n went to zhenghua for their band prac

2 more practices to SIBF...pls work hard DMB!!!

Thursday 17 July 2008


Just opened my blog today......SIBF countdown: 6 Days.....GO DMB!!!!!
Make music to the best of your ability......put in effort and aim HIGH