Thursday 25 September 2008

1 down 8 more days to go

First exam is over!! Yup we finished English paper 1 n 2 today!!! Paper 1 was rather easy but I juz managed to finish on time...then paper was on tornadoes...question were rather easy only 1 or 2 questions were difficult...then the difficult...out of 5 I'm only confident in getting one correct...then the summary...also quite difficult to the get the points...well...hoping for gd English results coz my chinese has a 95% chance of failure....=(  N the paper is tmr!!! Urgh. Looking foward to going to the Singapore GP...if my dad gets the tix from his friend...hope he gets it =)

Wednesday 24 September 2008


Yo readers!!! Exams start tommorow!!! All the best for everyone!!! Had a SL photoshoot this afternoon...full attire just for three shots!!! But anyway after that we waited for Ms Khoo to mark our situational writing test...didn't do very well but at least I know what I should do during the exams...Oh and the string bass just arrived today!!! The case looks so huge...well that means my section will lose our only sec 1 player..but I'm sure she will do well with the string luck Michelle!!! Well once luck and all the best everyone for their exams...English is tmr so lets aim high!!! Jiayou!!! =)

Friday 19 September 2008

Updating my blog after another week just flew by like clockwork. Not much happened this week, just plenty of studying for the exams...starting next thursday. Monday, went to Ben Jia's house to do the chinese project. Tuesday, completely uneventful. Wednesday, went for the Zhenghua band prac, continued to learn on the drums but still only able to do basic stuff. Yesterday, uneventful as well and today, completed admin stuff with Joyce and Jasmine after school. By the way an advance happy 15th birthday to Zi Ning, may your wishes come true. May not blog for quite awhile after this post as exams are nearing...goodbye and have a nice day readers!

It is not our ability that shows what we are, it is our choices that do..

Sunday 14 September 2008

Another week goes by....

Exams are around the corner!!! Gotta study real hard!!! Anyways, yesterday I took a bit of time off by going to SAFRA Yishun and played a few games of snooker with my mum...then we went to Causeway Point to meet dad and we went to the hokkien association to eat curry fish head...delicious....Reached home juz in time to watch the last 2 min of qualifying in Italy...congratz to Sebastian Vettel for his 1st pole position. Exams are around the corner...all the best everyone!!! =)

We fear the thing we want most--success

Saturday 6 September 2008

Rain Rain Rain

It has been raining for the past few days...even now when I'm posting this post, IT'S RAINING!!! Rain and Rain and Rain...perhaps the band is playing Cloudburst too often...haha...Speaking of Cloudburst, the band is getting better at playing it and singing gd job band, continue to improve. Todays prac was good I should say, although attendance is still rather low. Did formation cool...I wish we could do it everyday...After that was sectional warmups, Mr Yeo did it with us, the lower brasses, after that we worked on Cloudburst for the rest of the practice until the last 30min, where we did Rhythm book. Fallout, helped Mandy and Jasmine do their Physics project. Their demonstration is pretty cool...Pour baking soda into a glass(wine or beer) bottle, cap with a cork stopper and shake. Result shud be like opening a brand new bottle of champagne, where the cork stopper pops out n the liquid starts to flow out...So ya helped them take slow-mo videos n then ya homed after that. School holidays r comes the term of stress...exams...exams...exams...

Wednesday 3 September 2008


Wow, today was full of activities for me...English oral in the morning, workshop in the afternoon and BBQ at night. English oral was rather easy I should say...breezed through it without much problem. Went home, changed, had lunch and went to Midlink Plaza for my workshop from 1:30 to 5:00. Ended early, abt 4:45, MRTed to Dover and went to Mandy's condominium, Varsity Park, for Shaun's farewell BBQ. Was raining, so we brought an umbrella to shade the BBQ pit. Went up to Mandy's house at abt 8:30, had chicken wings and nuggets...played Monopoly and had sad Shaun had to leave us. To Shaun Yeo: I wish you good luck in your future endeavours. Sums up my day of activities.

Monday 1 September 2008

Kind of late posting this...all these happened on sunday.

Firstly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY JASMINE, may your wishes come true.

Leadership workshop

Met the peeps who were goin for the workshop at JE at abt 7am. Took the train to Dover then bused to ACJC. We arrived very early, at abt 7:50. So we sat down and chit chatted until 8:30. We registered and took our seats in the lecture theatre. The workshop conductor was Tim Lautzenheiser, probably American. He was very engaging, fun and humourous, we were like laughing almost throughout the entire workshop. He taught us how we can raise the standards of the band and a hundred and one other things. Had a really great time in the workshop.


Was woken up by Mr Yeo's call this morning, asking me wat time practice was starting. So we had band prac in the afternoon. Attendance was very low for fall in, coz quite a number of ppl had tutorials. We practiced Sound of Music for almost the entire practice. Towards the end we did March Blue Sky. Fall out, band was still small. After fall out, the majors did our 'physical training' of 70 push-ups and 50 squats. Then I was asked to do 100 more coz I left early on Saturday, did 50 squats and 2 rounds, gave up after that, really aching, couldn't get up for very long, so I still owe the others 40 the next band prac. Maths tutorial tmr...oral on wed...gotta lot of things to do!

There is no right or wrong, only consequences