Sunday 10 March 2013

I have finally completed all the group work in school! It feels really great because now I have much more time to practise! Really an awesome feeling. I had a good practice session yesterday practising Lebedev and Beethoven 9. The session actually started out pretty rough because I really couldn't find the spot for the chops to function properly, but after spending a bit more time than usual on buzzing and long tones, it started to get there. And playing some scales helped too! So yup, I felt great after yesterday's session, and I haven't felt like that in a long time!

Last night, I attended a concert by the YST orchestra which presented Beethoven's Coriolan Overture, David's famous Concerto for Trombone and Dvorak's 8th Symphony. I must say, the orchestra has a really nice sound. Unfortunately, it kinda ends there. Lots of intonation, impulse and counting mishaps here and there. The concerto was also not balanced well with the soloist. But, having said those, it was still an evening worth my time. The finale of the symphony was really good and the Beethoven was actually pretty good too!

Alright, it's now time for me to get some work done. Till next time, bye!