Wednesday 31 December 2008

Happy advance new year to everyone!! Hope your new year will be full of success and happiness!! Had ROD today, wasn't really gd coz of a big technical problem; no audio for a long time. Got it fixed during gift xchange time. Went home..did some homework but theres still a lot. Had a nice dinner with my family n now waiting for the new year to begin. Was tagged to do the following quiz so I shall do it:

Rules must be followed: Each blogger must post this rules. Each blogger must start with ten random facts/habits about themselves. Bloggers that are tagged need to write about their own blog, ten things and post this rules. Don't forget to leave them comments telling them they have been tagged and are to read your blog.

1. I'm a trombonist in DMB
2. I have no siblings
3. I'm a big fan of Manchester United
4. I love to play pool
5. I aspire to either be a musician or a pilot
6. I like the colour black
7. I'm long-winded
8. I like chocolates very much
9. I like to play soccer although I'm not really good at it
10. My favourite song is Hotel California by the Eagles

1. Who's the person who tagged u? There are 2: Abel and Eugene

2. Relationship between u n them? Very good friends, classmates, fellow SLs

3. Three impressions of them? Abel: Respectable, hardworking, very friendly. Eugene: Very smart, fast thinker, vulgar??(haha)

4. If they become your enemies, you will? Settle the problem and hope to become friends again

5. What will you say to the person you like very much? I like you? (nvr really thought abt it)

6. Characteristic I like about myself? Leadership

7. Charateristic I hate about myself? Arrogance (there's still a lot more)

8. For the person whom you hate, you say? Get a freakin LIFE!!

9. What do people feel about you? I'm selfish, arrogant, noisy

10. Your crush? I prefer to keep it from those who don't know

11. Name ten people:

1. Joey Tham
2. Joyce
3. Jasmine
4. Daryl
5. Michael
6. Abel
7. Halim
8. Issac
9. Wei Lin
10. Brandon

12. If 5 n 7 were together? Thats freaking gay and completely impossible

13. Who does 5 like? Erm I forgot the name..haha

14. What colour does 9 like? No idea

15. Say something about 8: Likes things done his way

16. Who is 2? A fellow band major, bass clarinetist

17. Talk about 3: Another fellow band major, saxophonist, very friendly and easy going

18. Who is 10's best friend? Shawn Jee I guess

19. Who is the sexiest among all ten? I think all are sexy

20. What colour does 4 like? Champagne gold

21. Is 4 single? Yes

22. Your relationship with 1: Fellow major, friend, ex-classmate

23. Are 5 and 6 best friends? Maybe

24. 9's surname? Ng

25. 7's nickname? Don't think he has any

26. Say something to 8: Good luck for your tertiary education!

27. Say something to 9: See u back in school!

28. Who do I admire? I admire everyone

29. Where does 1 live? Jurong

30. Do 10 of them know who you like? Not all

31. What do you say to 6 when u see him? Yoz!!

Ok there u have it, I shall save other people's time by not tagging them to do this quiz, but if you want to, you're most welcome to do so. Once again, happy advance new year!

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