Sunday 11 January 2009

Another week passes by…I still can’t get out of my old self..still have unfinished assignments blah blah blah…expecting a few teachers to scold me…haiz…gotta do something about it..Promotion day was alright..lost my voice for a while after the Samba..played our pieces over and over and over again..became a bit boring after the 3rd time or so…total we had 45 registrations..I know this is lower than some CCAs but the number of ex-band members has increased thats gd…provided they join us. 2 ex trombonists!!! 1 came yesterday..can play..can read nt bad..the other was busy..sounded talented..I hope not arrogant. Was invited last minute to play with Zhenghua this morning..hesitated to go…but at least we can keep in touch..first day of SYF is 79 days away..I hope the balloting result will not be on that day..but still we gotta work really hard to win gold DMB!!

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