Sunday 22 March 2009

Wa lao..even to correct and remind some people is wrong..seems like everything I do to some people is always wrong..why does it have to be like this??? Want to be anonymous at least show some respect by not criticising others..want to point out something wrong at least put down your name lah please..otherwise just say it infront of me! What a coward..and btw this is not happening on my's happening somewhere else. To Treasure Hunter..if you are reading this post right now..I ask of you to see me personally ASAP, you have really gone too far. If even to remind who is the person who gave constructive comments to our band on saturday, what about other leaders? Aren't they doing similar things every band prac? Reminding people? People are really losing their guts these days, lose and lose until they don't have any left to even put down their own name. So please people, have some dignity for yourself and put down your real name the next time you post something anywhere, especially if you have a problem about something. Hiding yourself by being anonymous really shows you don't respect others and YOURSELF. Yes I know I showed disrespect to the librarians on saturday. I have apologised publicly and sincerely for that. But yet after that you showed the middle finger to yourself by criticising me because I was reminding the members who Mr Adams was. What the hell is wrong with you???

Thursday 19 March 2009

Argh, can't sign in to band blog and I need to post something. Haiz, alright, nothing much for this blog's readers about this week. it's pretty much band almost everyday so I guess I will bore everyone if I post about band. Ok so do come back soon, updates are coming! :]

Thursday 12 March 2009 many problems!! world just turned upside down in one week! Gosh..demands demands demands!! I hope all of these end tmr..friday the 13th...what a day. Many thanks to Abel for his help today...thanks lots and sorry for all the trouble. Band prac today..had to leave early coz I think the principal gotta go for the sec 2 least one thing cheered me up this week: we finally got back our Cefiro!! Ahh...missed my armrests and the silence of the engine..haha..well I'm just gonna live through tmr and hopefully I come out alive...

Friday 6 March 2009

Hey's been more than 1 week since I last much has passed... This past week was rather uneventful...lessons as usual, band as usual, but thursday I felt so gd..dunno why... Somehow I feel some joy when I teach..working with very young kids, teaching them's so fun, but only for the patient people. Well, now I have 3 other colleagues who are DMB seniors: Kai Yuan, Benjamin Wu and Valerie (hopefully I spelt it correctly). Well going for exchange tmr...cya all ppl! :]