Thursday 23 April 2009

Exams have started! English today, was quite ok, neither papers were hard nor easy. Almost couldn't finish both of them because of rather poor planning but nevermind, it's over. Chinese tomorrow, gonna just get over with it fast and quick. Next week, lessons as usual. The next week, exam again, followed by the next, and the next again so won't be posting until exams are over. All the best to everyone! :]

Sunday 19 April 2009

Hi readers, sorry for another long wait. Something wierd happened to me this week, I just lost the drive to do anything at all. I don't feel like listening to the teacher, I don't feel like doing work, I don't feel like playing music, I don't even feel like sleeping or eating. Perhaps it's the illness I suffered from last week. I just hope I get out of this, it feels painful to be in this state, not wanting to do anything. Well, speech day has come and gone, my last performance for DMB. But it didn't feel memorable. Maybe because there wasn't time to take pictures, no passing down of the duties, we didn't play pieces that will make the younger members weep in memories. Life as usual. Will I ever change? Will there come a time when the teachers will not chase me for overdue work? Well, I'm working towards that. I don't think it's too late to change, so for those out there, don't give up, there's still time to buck up. Let's start NOW!

Wednesday 1 April 2009

I've just got a jolt of motivation to study, I don't know why and how, but that's how I feel. This past Monday and Tuesday, I attended the Adam Khoo workshop. Was quite familiar to me because I attended Dr Ernest Wong's camp last year and Adam Khoo was a student of Dr Wong. Pretty much everything that was covered was familiar to me. Just went there to enjoy the cool environment and have some time off from academics. Yesterday, the school gave us a form to write down stuff like our personality, ambitions, awards and acheivements blah blah blah which will be considered for the testimonial in the School Graduation Certificate. Just completed it, but I shall hold it till the last minute, hehe. Prom nite to be held at the Concorde Hotel on Orchard Road, theme is...haiz..Retro Night: Swing Back to the 70s. Seems like everything is going Retro these days. D'Gig is retro, prom nite is retro. I guess they can't think of anything else..well this ends my post peeps, till next time, good bye!