Saturday 30 May 2009

Well, a rough week just many things just kept hitting me till I feel so low now. Firstly my results, an L1R5 of 24 and L1R4 of 17 is really too bad to get anywhere of my choice. That report card really put me down and my mother continued the beating. And today, yes so many things great were acheived today, but still, haiz...I just can't motivate large groups positively. I guess it's just me, I just don't I have the thinking that can get everybody actively involved without complaints and all the problems that follow. So, I guess that has made my week rough and I don't think it's gonna end. Next week starts with 'O' Level and continues with intensive lessons, I can imagine what more roughness can be added to an already rough time I'm already having. Trying to think positively, I just recalled that everytime I think positively in rough times like these, almost nothing improves..some even worsen. Does persistence even help anymore? I guess I should lay low for a while but it's not me to lay low. I guess my plans for my future are crashing down on me, what fine plans.. I just realised that Singaporean society is rather unforgiving, you fall, you rarely can get up and build upon it again. There are those who do make it big, the rest, well, you can decide how you want to label them, the public's favourite activity. Labelling is just so common these days. They should change the text in the SS textbook. 'Globalisation' shouldn't be the catchword for the 21st century, it's 'labelling and stereotyping'. Seriously, it's so big these days. Yes yes, I know some of you who read this thinks I'm talking crap because I think too much and all the problems about me start to come to your mind. Well, I'm not stopping you, you have the right to think however you wish to. I know who you are and you know who you are. Usually you guys hang out together..usually you guys depend on each other for company etc...yes some of you hate me, no problem, continue shooting and shooting, if you benefit by only pointing out mistakes and not doing anything about it, do let me know, I shall share your story worldwide: "The person who benefits by only complaining". Yeah, sarcasm, but honestly, you people think you have the best ideas, the best experience and the best advice because you point out problems easily. Yeah, any Tom, Dick or Harry can do that, it's just how you think of a solution to it. You think by sitting down and letting other people solve the problem helps? THINK COME ON, THINK!!! Think, if you continue doing this in your future, will any employer want to keep you for more than one month? Will you be able to keep your boyfriend or girlfriend for one week? Will anybody respect you for just one day? Yeah, live the very very easy life, just let other people do the laborious work and problem solving. I tell you, your minds will rot until you can't think anymore, so start now. You don't have to take a big step to start off with, after all, a journey of whatever distance be it short or long always starts with a single step. I shall make my first step to improving my studies by studying during the weekdays during the holidays just like normal school days, make it like 7hours of studying every weekday. Discipline is all that is needed.

Sometimes the right thinking and the right choices means you have less friends, but you can be assured, your best friends will always be there, through thick and thin, provided you treasure them.

Friday 22 May 2009

Woo..finally I've time to post. Been 'busy' after the exams. Wednesday, went to play pool with Michael, haha completely trashed 6-1. Aiya, but shud have been 7-0, but nevermind. Yesterday, went swimming at the Raintree with Daryl and Michael, Shermane was there too because you know why... And here I am now, just got back from work, tired, but I still want to post. Exam results have been here and there..2As: E Maths and Biology, 1 failure so far which is Combined humanities..ARGH!!! ONE MARK ONLY!!! But it's not the end..must continue to strive harder...but one good thing is I finally passed my CHINESE!! Man I hope that on June the 1st, the paper will be something similar to this MYE paper, then pass then I don't wanna take end year 'O' Level Chinese liao. Wah next week Chinese intensive lessons..nothing but Chinese on wednesday and thursday. Then the next week, D & D camp. Woo..power studying this coming holidays. By the way, can any meteorologist tell me why is Singapore's temperature so high these few days?? Is she having a high fever?

Think with your mind instead of your emotions. There is a difference, one makes a person think, the other is mere human reaction.