Friday 5 June 2009

Well, one week of D&D camp just passed by. Today being the last weekday of the week, I'm at my most tired state. But it has been worth it. I've been motivated to study very much during the holidays and thats what I will do. Yes I'll balance out my work with recreation, becasue this period time will probably be the last before the 'O' Levels when I can fully enjoy my recreation. I'm glad I've stepped down from CCA, although I love it so much, everyone has an expiry date. I'm glad it is in the hands of people trusted to bring up the band. I leave my post with absolutely no regrets, although I wish I could've contributed more and sometimes for a moment I would want to turn back the time, my conscience is clear, I have done everything for a reason and I won't regret it. This organisation has given me many viewpoints of how people are and can be, be it good or bad. It has somehow shaped me into what I've become today. I get to know different people, work with them and do a 101 things. It has become a part of me, and I wish to keep that part forever. It has given me a purpose in life and I wish to pursue that purpose, no matter who or what are the obstacles. Throughout my life I've met so many different people; people who make others laugh, people who irritate, people who care, people who are good leaders, people who wake up in the morning and say: "I'm gonna make this day a good one!". There are many other examples, I may be one of them stated above, but only you yourself will tell you who I am, who you are, and who others are. No one can change your own perspective except yourself, but people can influence you to. It's whether those perspectives have meaning to you. To me, everyone starts off with the same opportunities, its whether you want to add more opportunities, lose them, or stick with them. It affects your thinking, and your future as well.

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