Sunday 16 August 2009

Another week passes by...a tiring one as well. It has been mugging non-stop and I guess everyone should expect's end of the year..teachers are pushing to finish syllabuses and start intensive revision. Prelims are coming in 11 days time for 'O' Level students..already on for 'N' Level students...and soon after no time..the 'O' Levels itself. Time seems to fly by very quickly during this period of the year..after that, some feel time slows down..some say it goes even faster..some say there's no difference..some don't care at all. But in any case, time goes at exactly the same pace no matter which period of the year it's just how we're spending it that determines our perception of time's speed. We all have the same 24hr + hours a day. Let us all use this wisely. I was just watching the National Day Rally which I believe most of you didn't watch coz you consider it an utter waste of time..but it shows us how our nation has progressed..what to expect in the future..what changes can be made. One can take it as a good break from mugging and find out more about current affairs. Its importance will come to us somehow. Anyways, just wanting to share a picture I took today with everyone. Its not a great picture by any standards considering I took it with my phone and I'm not a trained photographer..but somehow I like these "subject-less photos". It makes me feel relaxed and looking at what nature can bring us. Hope you enjoy the pic and all the best for the upcoming week.
It's difficult to succeed..but it's even more difficult to make that conscious effort to start the road to success...

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