Friday 7 October 2011

18th birthday went well! Another enjoyable birthday. Once again I thank all my friends and relatives for your well wishes and to my parents for the fantastic dinner at Brazil Churrasco! To all meat lovers, this is a must-try place!

Now, looking and thinking about what am I doing in my music-making, I haven't convinced myself that I want this sound, I want this voice etc. I just can't seem to process all the ideas I've taken in and blend them into my own voice. It's quite maddening. I myself think about so many ideas when I'm away from the horn but once I pick it up, it just doesn't get through. I always feel I'm fighting the instrument but I can't seem to get myself out of it yet. Right, so I'll take a step back in my mind and just churn out the simplest mechanics of playing over the next few days and see how that works. Slow, warm and relaxed air; stable chops; relaxed posture; STOP THINKING!!

Ok personal rant over. I've just updated the "Upcoming Performance" section on the right. I can get complimentary tickets for this concert but I don't know how many I can get so if you really want to come, please let me know at the earliest possibility. Till next time, bye!

RIP Steve Jobs

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