Friday 21 September 2012

I'm back for Holland and woo! So busy! Every rest and enjoyment time was spent doing something else and now I'm eating into sleep time to type this out.

It was a really fantastic time in Holland. Spent the first day in Amsterdam and walked around, going to the street market with my mom and visiting the scores and CD shop Broekmans & van Poppel and caught a concert by the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra (which was really fantastic and would have been even more if I were more awake!)

A 1 hour trip to Huys te Britten in Katwijk aan Zee and I joined 50 over bass trombonists for a weekend of lectures, lessons, masterclasses and ensemble-playing! The 2nd trip I have undertaken in my music education, it was really an eye-opener to listen to fantastic players like Charlie Vernon, Mattis Cederberg and Csaba Wagner (who were on the faculty) but not forgetting the participating bass trombonists of whom some are professional and really fantastic players! It was great to make new contacts especially with the pros and I'm glad I made the trip. It was very well organised, we were well taken care of, lovely weather and great people! Photos are on Facebook!

By the way, I carried my Cronkhite case on board with no problems at all! I flew on the KLM direct flight. But having flights that depart and arrive on time would be nice.

Alright, really need sleep. Goodnight world!

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