Saturday 1 December 2012

Does feel nice to be sitting in an orchestra again; but I hope attendance will be better soon!

As I've read a few articles about taking auditions before I went for the final round of the SSO freelance auditions, I realise how much I don't do when it comes to audition preparation. I have been working with a mentality of being efficient and having short preparation times for every project I take. But I realise it should never be the case especially when it comes to auditions and solo performances. I also find myself having a goal in my head but I always catch myself feeling I'm never gonna reach it before time expires. After reading a few articles, I realised I should have gone another way and that is to work on improvement. Having an end target is good but if we focus too much on it, we lose touch on improving things bit by bit. I shall now practise with this mentality and will give myself more time to prepare for upcoming auditions and solo performances.

Alright I'm really sleepy so goodnight world!

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