Thursday 13 December 2012

I brought home a new device today and it is.......

Yes it's the iPhone 5! Am totally loving it so far! After an hour long wait in the queue and what felt like another hour more to get the phone itself, I finally got hold of it! I really like how thin and light it is but at the same time, how strong and sturdy it feels in the hand. The screen is really good (colours are better and it feels nearer to you), camera is as good as ever, new earphones are nice and fits more securely in my ear (left side still wobbly; it's probably me because the previous Apple earphones also kept dropping on the left). Most of all, the performance of this thing is really really good. I played Asphalt 7 just now and the frame rates were so high! It really is amazing. To add to that, there is LTE in town! I felt so happy to see the LTE icon appear while I was in school! It appears to be throttled by Starhub because I didn't get anything past 12GB/s download but hey that's pretty quick already. It was the main reason why I decided to switch to the 5. The 4S served me really well but this new iPhone really changes everything. Yes iOS is ageing but heck, the quality and quantity of apps I get, the seamless connectivity with my Mac and iPad, the sheer performance of the device, it just doesn't deter me from continuing with Apple. My aim is to stick with this phone for at least 2 years no matter what comes up so hopefully it lasts! So till next time, goodbye world!

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