Sunday 24 February 2013

It has been busy times since the last post and here's what's been happening.

Firstly, I'm back in the NAFA Orchestra after they put up a very decent performance of French music. It's really nice to be back and what better piece to prepare other than Beethoven's 9th Symphony? Here's a shot at my first rehearsal back in the orchestra.

I'm really enjoying the new height-adjustable chairs and the risers! I'm feeling so much more comfortable in rehearsals. The only thing that's not so contributing to my comfort is the timpani part! Haha! I mean I completely understand why it's loud (Beethoven + wood sticks) but it's about the first time I have to wear earplugs in a concert hall situation! Something new for me! I hope we can prepare the symphony well and pull off a great performance at the Esplanade on the 12th of April.

Next, I auditioned for AYO yesterday. Honestly, it was one of my least prepared auditions. I didn't know the Sibelius symphony very well and even at the audition, I was just playing what's written on the score with no aural aids of knowing other parts to help me. But, having said that, it was one of my more enjoyable auditions! I played almost everything exactly how I wanted (just a shaky low F in the Brahms soft excerpt), I didn't feel particularly nervous (just during that shaky low F! Haha) and the general feedback from the jury was positive so all in all it was a good experience to take away. Now that I'm done with auditions, I can now concentrate on the school excerpts and recital exam!

Right, that's all for now. Goodnight world!

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