Tuesday 24 February 2009

Thanks Eugene for the encouragement..actually, I would like to thank all the people out there who have in some way or another encouraged me to pursue something for a good cause, be it my own or not.. I guess some of those encouragements have really moulded me into the person I am today, although I myself know that I have many flaws that I should change. Well today was pretty ok..better than yesterday anyway..well PE, played badminton then soccer, Maths, did 13.4, finally..temporary end of trigo! MT, nothing much to comment, actually it's that I don't want to comment. Bio converted to CME period, had some assignment to do..well day over..

Monday 23 February 2009

Haiz..a really dismal day for me..but I only have myself to blame, I guess I gotta buck up and change for the better..

Saturday 21 February 2009

Hey people!! I just opened a livejournal dedicated to music and trombones..so that u guys who don't understand much won't get bored here..haha. From now on all my musical posts will be on my livejournal..no worries..this blog will still be as alive as it is now..I hope..For those of you who wanna visit my livejournal..the link is on the left

Thursday 19 February 2009

Today's band prac was turned into a video watching and a session in which we 'admit' our problems so that it can be resolved in dialogue. Due to time constraint, only 4 ppl were picked to voice out anything they wish. It was quite dramatic, but it's a time-worthy session. I was also inspired by Mr Yeo to try out something called multiphonics, playing 2 notes at the same time. was so cool. After the session, had a lengthy conversation with Mr Yeo about advice for my future..was quite motivated by him..at the same time I was reminded that choosing music as my post-secondary education is quite risky..but it's a long story behind it. Well, I guess I gotta do lots of reflecting...
Now that this subject of 'passer-by's is on my tagboard, I would like to touch on it. 'Passer-by's are people who pass by..not doing anything..So in the first place, if you call yourself a 'passer-by', you just read and don't do anything else. But instead, you guys make stupid comments and knowing the fact that you put your name 'passer-by' there, you feel so safe saying ANYTHING. I mean come on, its really inconsiderate to do such things. And another thing, I'm sure people don't greet you "Good morning passer-by" or "Hi passer-by!" It sounds stupid isn't it. So pls, be considerate and don't be a dumb-dumb by typing your name as 'passer-by', because in the end, it makes yourself S-T-U-P-I-D.

Tuesday 17 February 2009

I just realised how close I am to stepping down..just 8 weeks away from this saturday. But it seems to me that some of the sec 3s just don't have the right attitude..I mean this organisation's future in the coming months is in your hands..not mine anymore. I just feel that what you guys have said so far have really disheartened me..it really makes me unsure about this band's future. You guys need to change your mindset if you want something good to come up in the months to follow. Remember that you people are the band. If you guys want something, you people gotta work hard for it. I know you guys treasure friends, I'm sure everyone does, but that doesn't mean that friends is the only reason you go for something. If it is, soon you will not like what you're doing, it's hard fact. You go for something because you know you will enjoy what you will be doing, because you have a passion for that something. Only then will you like and enjoy what you are doing, then, if you like and enjoy what you are doing, you will want to go for more and if you go for more, you get better, if you get better, if becomes more enjoyable. It's a cycle that repeats over and over again. The band is a group, so, if you guys motivate each other to do what I've just mentioned, success easily comes your way. Just remember this, I know it's from the school's diary, but it's meaningful: If you work hard, the results are easy; if you work easy, the results are hard. But also bear in mind that success is not everything, what is most important is that you enjoy what you're doing and that you give your best every single time.

Thursday 12 February 2009

Another week passes by...where shud I start? O yeah. Last friday. Sound check at SCH. Went there, waited, Ngee Ann came. Went into the concert hall. Started the soundcheck. Damn we sounded so much better than at Yuying. Soundcheck over, went back to school. Practice my audition pieces. Btw they are Andante from Concerto for Double Bass by Antonio Capuzzi and No.29 from Vladislav Blazhevich 70 studies for BB flat Tuba Vol 1. After that, cross country. X country over, went home, day over. Saturday, band prac in the morning, had warm-ups at the parade square, was tiring man...Then we took time off our SYF pieces and played a song from a Jap anime..was so cool..such a nice melody. Ok after that went to eat with Isaac n co., after that went home..day over. Sunday..enjoyed a relaxing day..nothing much to say. Monday, SS test..got it back today actually, got 8/12..not that spectacular. Tuesday, PE..did long jump..was so sandy..scored straight 8s. Maths test after school..was quite easy I shud say. Physics SPA...was on turning effects of forces..shan't elaborate more coz the teachers told us not to. Wednesday...Bio SPA prac, was on diffusion and osmosis through a dialysis tubing. Argh, screwed up the first part..didn't use the paper clip!! After that..was quite ok. Then the final Chem SPA prac..I got my readings..then suddenly Mdm Leow said that everyone's reading is like 'high'. Her reading was around 18.5..almost everyone's readings were like 19 and above..wonder what she did that we didn't...haiz was chaotic..ppl did like 5, 6, 7 even 8 titrations...really crazy. Sectionals after that..went normally. Today, got back geography test, got 13/20, again not very high, B3. Then English tutorial, got a nice magazine from Ms Khoo, called Present Perfect..quite a nice magazine..did compre..then went for band. Did very short warm-ups. The band has a tendency to slow down at a certain point for Overture, kept repeating it. I got quite fustrated actually. In the end I played like I don't want anyone to hear me..haiz..I mean I played damn soft..not really a practice to that I enjoyed. Well thats all for the review of the past week..hopefully there will be another next week..cya then!! :]

Believe you can, work real hard and the results usually will come your way

Thursday 5 February 2009

Half day of school today. Went to Singapore Poly for the Polymer course, it was really fun coz we get to see how certain plastic wrappers, objects like clothes hangers and bottles are made and we also get to make a nylon fiber..really cool. But this at the expense of missing a band prac..haiz. Anyways, went to Accent after the workshop. Tried my first trombone..yay!!! Haha ok I know I sound wierd but I'm just so happy. I tried a Conn 62H bass trombone and it sounded very good. It was so cool!! First time playing a double trigger bass!! haha..after that I asked the pricing of some other trombones and bought a few stuff. Homed after that. Tmr going to Singapore Conference Hall for sound check so NO LESSONS...yes ah. haha