Saturday 26 February 2011

I was about to finish up a review about me case and now I just can't. Because it creased my bell flare!! So irritated! Now I have to spend money that I shouldn't need to...haiz.

Well, to other things. I finished my history essay! I didn't think I could finish it so quickly; it was like one day at most. Well that's one less thing to do! I've nothing else to say really...still not over the fact that my bell has a crease.. :(

Thursday 10 February 2011

Well since the last post, I can safely say I've become better in my playing. Since then I've realised a lot of things about embouchure, air usage, tongue placement and awareness of body muscles. All these things really attribute so much in our playing and I believe it's important that when we practice, we take note of these things, evaluate if there are any problems in those areas that are causing us to stop developing, or get worse. Practicing is not so much just thinking all about improving, it's trying out different ideas, using the ideas that work for you and also, add on to the idea and make it your own because every musician is different.

On the way home I listened to the Philwinds recordings for the pop concert on 5 Dec 2010. Everytime I listen to the recordings I just feel a sense of accomplishment and I just feel so happy listening to it. It may not be near-perfect technically and musically but it was really a concert that I believe all musicians on stage enjoyed. I myself enjoyed every moment. Full house by the looks of it, hyped-up audience, fantastic musicians and good music. The recordings have so much sentimental value to me and I hope I can keep making music like that. I'll be playing for Philwinds one more time for a private function in the Istana. I don't think it's public. I've also been asked to play for BHSO for their Dvorak concert. Hope it'll be great fun. Till next time, bye!

Thursday 3 February 2011

I just feel like I hit a wall in my technical progress; lowered motivation, technique remaining stagnant etc. Moreover I just miss performing like how I did during December last year. It was just so meaningful, I learned so much and I gained more friends. I really miss that time. Yes I just performed on Monday with the Brass Band but it just didn't feel the same and I don't know why. It's something I can't really put my finger on. But anyway, in my mind I just visualise that this is the period when I'm scaling up the wall so I really need to put my back into it, push my limits and practice my way to becoming a better musician. So it's time to move on from this negativity....

Tuesday 1 February 2011

First of all, Happy Chinese New Year everyone! Wishing all of you good health, fortune and prosperity for the year ahead! Brass band concert yesterday went well. Congratulations to everyone especially Hide! He played well for the Gregson and impressed everyone with his encore piece. He really inspired me musically and of course technically.

Washed my instrument today. Valves and slide are now moving smoothly and quickly as how I like it. Hopefully I can get some good practice out of this long break of five days. I do need to catch up on my aural too because I really struggled during the last lesson.

My next performance will be with the NAFA wind band. Details are on the left. Well, that's all I have to say. Good night everyone!