Wednesday 27 July 2011

Here's some pictures of my new MacBook Air 13"

With the lid closed. (It's a hair thicker than my baton handle)

Here with the lid opened.

I'll say it again, I love this machine! Hasn't disappointed me so far except for one thing, it doesn't sync with my phone but that will probably be fixed in the near future. Not the absence of an optical drive (I remotely installed MS Office through my Acer without problem), not the small storage space (I am not near the limit yet), not the fact it has less software compatible with it (I don't use any of them). I looked at reviews of the Samsung Series 9 which is supposed to be the PC's answer to the MacBook Air and yes it's really cool. A hair thinner (1mm to be exact), a hair lighter, has an ethernet port, 128GB of SSD but it costs more than a 256GB MacBook Air!! I mean that just shows how more affordable the MacBook Air is now to those who want a capable mobile laptop. I don't think you can call this a netbook because it's more powerful than that. For the average user like me who really would like to carry a laptop with me almost everywhere I go, this laptop just fit the bill! I don't use any software that isn't supported on a Mac (except perhaps the Ovi Suite) and the Mac OS is so stable. If one app is having problems, it doesn't choke up the entire computer. I can leave it alone, do something else and get back to it when it has solved its problems. So really, I think this a laptop I will want to keep for many years.

I'll be getting my new case later. Really excited about it. Will post pictures when I get it. Other than that, gonna catch Harry Potter and then rehearsal for the sax symposium. Alright then, time to sleep. Bye!

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