Saturday 27 August 2011

Alright, finally I've found time to update this blog. Since I've arrived, I've been so busy with school and rehearsals. Touched down in Singapore and straight away we headed for school for wind band rehearsal. Since then I've been quite busy with schoolwork to catch up on and more rehearsals. Today I just spent my day at the Singapore Conference Hall playing for NAFA Convocation. So now I've found time to update. The flights back to Singapore were pretty stress free. We had friendly cabin crews unlike the first flight and we had no problems with our instruments. However I dropped my MacBook Air whilst in Rome and now it has a dent on one of the thin corners. Bugger! Oh well, at least the computer still works great, it just doesn't look as great anymore. Well I guess I've nothing much more to update except to tell you I'm playing with Slide That! for a concert this coming Wednesday (31st Aug). Details are updated on the left. Do check it out and do come down. Many great chamber groups to watch and it's free! See you there!

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