Wednesday 21 September 2011

Alright, another update coming in. I finally finished my history essay! Joy oh joy. I felt so liberated after hitting the submit button on iLearn. So I was so looking forward to practicing on my horn but when I picked it up, I realize I've lost much of the strength, flexibility and stamina I built up during the last term simply because I haven't practiced for 3 days. Really bad for my chops. So I did some Thompson, tried to do slurs and read some Bordogni etudes. The etudes didn't go so well; my sound wasn't good and even just playing in the written range tired me out very quickly. My chops couldn't even last one etude. So I gave up on that, had dinner and opened my excerpt book when I came back. After reading some excerpts, I packed up and hope for better playing today, starting with a practice plan and much more focus. Alright, that's all for now. Bye!

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