Thursday 26 January 2012

The two public holidays of CNY now over and it's back to school! And what a way to be greeted: dusty rooms because they repainted the studios. Seriously, all these works should be done during the holidays!! School administration is really making less and less sense! Ok enough ranting. Life goes on.

I find that I've been playing a lot of high range recently. I covered the euphonium part in band, playing tenor trombone excerpts for fun and so on. Gotta turn that around! Need to get better at what I'm supposed to be good at: low range! Urgh! Discipline man!

Also need discipline to stick to my practice plans! Haven't been singing my intervals in a while now! C'mon!!!!!!!!!! Stop all these nonsense!!

Ok...need to compose myself once again. Time to turn in. Goodnight world!

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