Wednesday 21 November 2012

Just finished my technical exam and concerto competition heats today. Phew! 2 down and somemore to go. SSO audition next week and that for me is very crucial. I really want the job and now it's crunch time! Time to iron out the pesky articulations in Die Walküre, the seemingly impossibly long phrases in Das Rheingold and Ein Heldenleben, the demand for cleanliness in Die Schöpfung and the legato in Schumann 3.  One week to do it!

I also just came back from a very nice dinner with the NAFA trombone studio and Fredi along with some alumni. It was really good company and it was a good way to spend the last time with Fredi in Singapore. I hope to catch him in Germany when I go there. It has been a good 3 years and I've learnt so much from him. To be honest I do feel a bit insecure with him leaving but that itself has taught me to start finding my own voice. I need to start getting the hang of it and making musical decisions by myself and producing a good product. Work for me to do!

Alright, I'm quite tired. Guess I'll go sleep. Goodnight world!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Jasper! i enjoy reading your blog! dont stop blogging! (;