Saturday 19 December 2009

Another week gone. It seemed to run like clockwork everyday. Go to Compassvale, teach for 8 hours with little significant progress and head home tired. To be honest, 8 hours of band practice for 5 days straight is unhealthy both for the musicians as well as the teachers. But, I've no control over such things so what can I do? This coming week will be my last week at work and after that it's all focus on my trombone playing. I just had a day out with my buddies, Michael and Daryl. Probably the last time I'll see Michael this year, I hope he'll have a good time in the USA and maybe one day if I have the $$$ I shall fly over and visit him. Abel organised a farewell party for Michael yesterday but only the guys came. Played basketball for a few hours and after that it was dinner time! KFC and pizza. After that we presented him some presents and went home. I hope next week will be less clockwork-like for me. Having a variety of schools to work with is better, to me at least. Well, Merry Christmas everybody! Enjoy whats left of your holidays! :)

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