Thursday 25 February 2010

I've just spent about 50% of the last 4 days sleeping...damn it feels so bad to be sick..especially from food poisoning..especially because I've to miss not be able to pick up the trombone and play and practice. Well I'm almost back to my normal health but still feeling very gassy in my stomach; makes it hard to breathe sometimes..especially after eating. The ironic thing is that next week there's no school!!! Argh!! That's totally uncool. Oh well, life's like that. We can't change what's been done but we can mould our future from where we are right now. This brings up something in my mind; I've seen, I've heard and I've been told that many of my juniors in Dunearn, not just band ones but the student population in general, seriously hates school these days. You see in their blogs, you see on MSN and you hear them talking as if Dunearn is no longer an institute for education. They make it sound more like the Japanese Occupation is happening again. Well yes, of course I for one find it hard to praise the new principal there, but that's it. What else is causing all this unhappiness? Surely the problem is not only the principal...what else? But, wait there, before we look for problems elsewhere, have we looked at problems within ourselves? We often overlook ourselves and find problems elsewhere instead, something I'm guilty of too. But, if we can just take that rare moment or two, like right now, and really think what is causing us to think like this, situations can improve! Improvement is not always in big steps; improvement is usually in small steps. If we can find that every step to improve our lives and really persevere, our lives will be so much more enriching and fulfilling. I kinda think most people, especially young people, nowadays think on a rather short-term basis. A good example: You can take a seat in a classroom in Dunearn and you can hear "Fuck *this*!", "Stupid sia!" and so on so forth. The thing is, does it make it better? Oh yeah sure some people use these words as anti-depressants but they can only last that long. Just like smoking and drugs, you'll always want to do it again and again and again. But in the end, nothing improves! Come on people! We just need to spend some time on thought. Really think deep down what do you want in your life. You want school to be enjoyable? Do something! Make a big change if you need to. But always remember, don't give up once you started it because that's what you thought for. Once you start down that road, work hard and I mean really hard. It takes a lot of effort, it may not be comfortable and enjoyable at first but I assure you, you'll get what you want in the end if you thought well. May you all succeed in your current and future endeavours!

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