Wednesday 31 August 2011

Man, insomnia is setting again. Seriously, of all nights, it has to be tonight? And darn my spelling has gotten worse, just that spell checker has saved me. Not a good night so far. And a concert later at 8pm? Man, that seems like overkill. I realised I've just come back to the "lots of schoolwork to be completed" life. I mean, history essay, theory project and test and aural test all coming up within the next month? I gotta sort out my life once again man. Well, enough whining. I guess I'll go back to trying to sleep.

Saturday 27 August 2011

Alright, finally I've found time to update this blog. Since I've arrived, I've been so busy with school and rehearsals. Touched down in Singapore and straight away we headed for school for wind band rehearsal. Since then I've been quite busy with schoolwork to catch up on and more rehearsals. Today I just spent my day at the Singapore Conference Hall playing for NAFA Convocation. So now I've found time to update. The flights back to Singapore were pretty stress free. We had friendly cabin crews unlike the first flight and we had no problems with our instruments. However I dropped my MacBook Air whilst in Rome and now it has a dent on one of the thin corners. Bugger! Oh well, at least the computer still works great, it just doesn't look as great anymore. Well I guess I've nothing much more to update except to tell you I'm playing with Slide That! for a concert this coming Wednesday (31st Aug). Details are updated on the left. Do check it out and do come down. Many great chamber groups to watch and it's free! See you there!

Sunday 21 August 2011

Woo, one week of brass lessons and concerts just went by. It has been a fantastic week. First the one night in Rome, that was just great. The sights of the city was so beautiful. Although we didn't go to the famous and very well-known tourists spots, I'm sure we were at a tourist spot by coincidence. Our original intention was to find a Nespresso shop and we ended up getting a bit lost in a tourist spot. Luckily my phone's map was sufficient to find our way to the shop. After the few hours walking around Rome we were on the 3 hour bus journey to Santa Fiora. Santa Fiora is a medieval town 700m above sea level. It's really a beautiful place here with wonderful weather. The temperature in midday is about the same as Singapore but there's wind here! Buildings are old which adds to the very nice landscape. And the main event, Italian Brass Week, has been superb as well. I mean great music, great teachers and many talented brass players from all over the world. I've met trombonists from my age to one who has an Assistant Principal Trombone job in the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra. The trombone teachers, especially Ian Bousfield, have been great as well. I've learnt so much from them and I've a wealth of recordings from lessons that I can listen to when I'm back. Now I've one more concert to listen to and Ian Bousfield is playing Blue Bells of Scotland. I hope there's many more great music to hear! Tomorrow morning I'll be leaving for Rome, maybe go sightseeing a bit and my flight for Dubai leaves at 1525. I probably can update while in Dubai so till then, bye!

Friday 12 August 2011

Woo, just got off a 7 hour flight to Dubai. Now waiting for the next flight to Rome. Pictures are up on my Facebook, do check it out. In about 7 hours time I'll be in Rome and hopefully I can get a faster connection and I also hope that Skype works there. Skype doesn't work on this WiFi I'm on at the moment. So far no issues with my instrument being onboard, hopefully the same goes for the flight to Rome. Oh well, that's all for now. Do check back for more updates!

Sunday 7 August 2011

Weekend is over! I wanted to get some practice today but all I did was do some routines and 5th movement of Cameos. Wanted to get my scales done today but now I've fallen actually 2 days behind but I'll make up for both tomorrow. It'll be the nation's birthday on Tuesday so all the best to all performers of the NDP and of course the parades in the different schools!

I'm selling quite a few things from my inventory of music related items. I'm selling my JK and Yamaha mouthpieces as well as my Eastman case. Please do contact me for more details and to work out a deal.

Friday 5 August 2011

Phew first week of school has come to an end. I can already feel the loss of sleep catching up on me. Assignments are starting to come in fast and of course the biggest contributor still hasn't changed, history. Already there's a 1500 word essay in the bag due in September so we have one term to research and write it. Theory or Practical Musicianship as what it's called now, seems much more interesting! A lot more practical side to it as we are now starting to learn piano. I really need to catch up as I'm the person with the least finger usage on my instrument compared to everyone else. The iMacs are now moved to campus 1 so a further walk for those who need it. Thankfully I don't really need it because I have my own MacBook Air for my computing needs and it has really made my classes and lectures much more informative compared to last year. Really having all your notes from lecture, read-ups and what not all in one place is really useful and it's so easy to organise. I save paper, money and time by having all my notes and assignments to do in one machine and there's so little of it to carry around, as mentioned by Apple. I may not like iTunes but that's about the only thing I don't like about it. I really love everything else about my Mac. I don't think I'll ever stop going on about it. Oh well, time to catch up on some sleep so till next time, bye!