Monday 28 November 2011

Yay! Finally exams are over! Didn't go all perfectly but at least it went according to plan most of the time. Right now, time to focus on the philwinds stuff. Haven't really gotten them down cold yet. Yesterday's rehearsal with Maestro Bostock was really interesting. Lots of knowledge about the pieces coming from him and I felt that brought the ensemble's playing to the next level.

Also in my thoughts is what I didn't manage to do last year, and that's to record lots of etudes. Really want to make that happen this time. I also need to start practicing the Sachse Concertino, Bozza's Prelude and Allegro, Sarabande from Bach's Cello Suite No. 5 and lots of excerpts. I also want to start working on multiple tonguing and really work on low range too. Really need to have full control of my low range. I also should plan intensive aural practice as well. Oh well, lots of things on my plate for December. No time to waste!

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