Friday 11 May 2012

Just came back from SSO's open rehearsal for Carmina Burana! Awesome music! Really really awesome! Only pity is that I can't get tickets for the concert tomorrow because it's sold out! All the best to all performers tomorrow! Really sounding good, especially the solo bass! Wonderful projection and really rich voice.

This concert being sold out just got me wondering, is the symphony orchestra audience here in Singapore bigger than in those cities whose orchestras are closing down due to bankruptcy? I mean, the Philadelphia Orchestra filed for bankruptcy protection, and this orchestra is like one of the most well-known in USA. A friend who attended a concert by the Philadelphia Orchestra told me the hall was about 25% filled and most of the audience were the elderly. The rest were mostly music students. Here in Singapore, yes the 3rd circle of Esplanade is usually not sold for SSO concerts, but every concert I've been to has been filled at least 60% of the hall. When doing bigger works like Mahler, Strauss, etc., the hall is at least 90% filled. This just got me wondering, does this comparatively high selling rate of SSO concerts mean the orchestra is likely to stay here for some time more (i.e. till I die or so)? Something to think about.

I just realised I haven't posted about it but my exams are over! School break has officially started since Tuesday! Practical exam went quite well in my opinion save the few botches. Shall now concentrate on really ironing out my technique and start being a more active solo performer. Not that I want to become a soloist but more to gain experience and make the performance stage another comfort zone for me. Really needed when I take auditions in the future! So on my agenda now, Brass Explosion competition (I'll be playing the first 2 movements of the Ewazen Concerto), concerts with OMM and brass band, a compilation of my routines, learn German, learn driving, read up stuff on cello (to gain more insight into performing their works), write some material for my students since I'll be back to teaching soon and probably other things that are at the back of my mind!

Alright, that's a pretty long list of things to do up there. Should not waste anymore time and get started on some of them. Goodbye world!

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