Saturday 26 December 2009

Woo I've finished my 3 weeks or so stint of working (teaching primary school bands). Received my pay on Wednesday and I've spent half of it on a mouthpiece. It's a Yamaha 59-GP. 24K Gold-plated on the rim, inner cup and inner shank. Now that I'm no longer working, I can spend more time at home practicing on my trombone. My audition is on 5th January in the morning so that's 11 days away. Hopefully all goes well for that.

Had a sumptuous Christmas dinner at Abel's house yesterday. There was turkey, ham, macaroni and sausages. Ate, played a bit of basketball in the dark and home after that. Many thanks to Abel for the hospitality and the food! I guess life will be more relaxing these few days and in weeks to come, studies will come first again. Well, a Happy Boxing Day and be safe everybody! :)

Saturday 19 December 2009

Another week gone. It seemed to run like clockwork everyday. Go to Compassvale, teach for 8 hours with little significant progress and head home tired. To be honest, 8 hours of band practice for 5 days straight is unhealthy both for the musicians as well as the teachers. But, I've no control over such things so what can I do? This coming week will be my last week at work and after that it's all focus on my trombone playing. I just had a day out with my buddies, Michael and Daryl. Probably the last time I'll see Michael this year, I hope he'll have a good time in the USA and maybe one day if I have the $$$ I shall fly over and visit him. Abel organised a farewell party for Michael yesterday but only the guys came. Played basketball for a few hours and after that it was dinner time! KFC and pizza. After that we presented him some presents and went home. I hope next week will be less clockwork-like for me. Having a variety of schools to work with is better, to me at least. Well, Merry Christmas everybody! Enjoy whats left of your holidays! :)

Friday 11 December 2009

Back from band camp! I went there on wednesday with absolutely no intention to stay overnight. But...Mr Yeo wanted the band to watch a video. He uses a Macbook so there's no VGA port on his laptop, then, Ms Claudia Tan got somebody to bring her laptop to school. Ok, done setting up then..her laptop cannot play the audio part of the video. So..I went home, it was about 8:30pm by the way, so I decided I won't waste trips to and fro just to take my laptop so I brought my stuff and stayed overnight. Overall the camp was alright but to be honest it lacked a variety of activities. It's basically music practice nearly the whole day and about 2 hours of games on the 2nd day. I'm not saying it's not good, in fact I think it's good because it allows the members especially the younger ones to experience band camp since my batch didn't organise one due to the HK trip. I do hope the band will be successful in its forays into NBC and/or SIBF next year. But whatever it is, I hope they will continue to work hard despite the disappointment (to me at least) of not being able to participate in next year's outdoor SYF. From the camp I can see the the members are showing improvement musically and I'm pretty sure they'll sound well in time to come. Well, they have 2 good weeks of rest and hope they'll continue to make improvements. In fact I'm also having a good rest this weekend because Yuhua cancelled their practice! Was supposed to go there tomorrow morning but they cancelled the practice instead. Kai Yuan told me that Compassvale is having practice everyday next week and I'm very worried because I don't wish to get posted there the whole week. Well, I shall know in time to come. Tired...sleepy...goodbye people.

Wednesday 25 November 2009

True to my word..I had been busy for the past few days. Finally received my loan instrument, a Yamaha YBL-421. It's silver-plated and it's in pristine condition. Had fun practising with it so far. Bought a 2nd hand Protec case, although a tad bulky it is protective and because it's 2nd hand, it's affordable! Prom nite on Monday at the Concorde Hotel. It was a nice hotel to hold the prom nite. It was quite like the hotel for prom nite last year, the Grand Copthorne Waterfront. Sumptuous dinner and some nice games hosted by the SLs. I would like to have the photos taken with me that night people! (Especially those with no Facebook accounts). Went back to Dunearn for the past 2 days and I must say, the band is putting in effort to prep for SYF next year. Today, was a very long day. Traveled all the way to the east to attend a band exchange at Temasek Primary, then to the Northeast to Compassvale Primary School. Had been teaching from 9 to 5. That's like 8 hours of teaching! Really taking it's toll on me, I'm very tired. Going back to Dunearn tomorrow and maybe back to Compassvale if I have the energy..another long day. Good thing Friday is a public holiday..which reminds me to wish all Muslims Selamat Hari Raya Haji! I should start getting some exercise like jogging coz I really lack physical training these days. Time to knock off, goodbye!

Sunday 15 November 2009

Woo! Kudos to West Winds! Great concert! Haha..Ponyo for encore. Coming week will be Dunearnite rehearsals and Dunearnite ya..I'll be keeping myself busy..till next time, cya =)

Saturday 14 November 2009

Oh's OVER! Bravissimo! Went back for band last friday straight after Chemistry Paper 1. So happy to see them again :D The pieces they're playing for Dunearnite are very cool! Mamma Mia!, That Thing You Do and Tequila (with gimmicks)! So Fun! I might join them for Dunearnite on thursday. I also took a look at some of the formations Mr Yeo came up with, and, they look really complex, hopefully the band will do well for SYF next year. Long rehearsals next week...haiz. Oh and a concert tomorrow! West Winds..yeah..Beautiful Sunday indeed! =)

Monday 9 November 2009

Woo..just MCQ left! After that, it's OVER!!! Once again for those interested, I still have my pure chemistry, pure biology and elective geography textbook to give away. Priority for those going to take these subjects next year, only if nobody take then I'll give those who want it as a 2nd textbook. Oh ya, anyone who is interested to attend the SSO concert on 1st December, Pastoral Pleasures: featuring Beethoven's 6th Symphony; Brett Dean's Pastoral Symphony and Nielsen's Flute concerto, please inform me before this Sunday and I can help buy tickets for you. All the best for the remaining papers everyone!

Monday 2 November 2009

Hey peepos! Updating in the middle of 'O' Level exams :X 'O' Levels have been alright so outrageously difficult papers nor super easy papers. As of now, left with elective geog, physics, biology and chemistry (paper 1 only). After that..hoho..time to make some MUSIC!! Just to let everyone know..I'm clearing my bookshelf of textbooks. I took triple pure science, A maths and elective geog..and of course the compulsory subjects. Do let me know if you wanna get complimentary textbooks...hopefully they don't get outdated..hehe

Monday 5 October 2009

I'm 16!!! haha..thanks to all those who wished me. Today also marks exactly 21 days to the 'O' Level written all the best people!

Tuesday 29 September 2009

Another long gap between my posts..sorry for that. We left off just before my trip to Malaysia so lets see what has happened..prelims were long gone..performance in Istana on the 20th..checked the prelim papers; I'm rather happy for my results..L1R2B2 of 10 and L1R5 of's a big improvement I should say from my mid-year marks. Had chemistry practical was fun..but could have tragically gone wrong for Ben. So thats more practicals for the rest of the year. My aim now is finish the 'O' Levels well and kick start my journey into music! We're 27 days to the 'O' Level written papers people! All the hard and you won't regret..though time is is never too late till it's over.

Wednesday 9 September 2009's been a long time since I last posted. But it's becoz of the laziness to post also. Nothing much has happened..just a chemistry extra lesson for a pre-prelim paper..thanks to Mdm Leow for the lesson and lunch and snacks. Well it's 45 days to the 'O' Level starting tomorrow..and 3 weeks's over!!! Anyways..going to Malaysia tomorrow for a short getaway..coming back on saturday. Might post a few pictures..gonna taste more nice food there I guess. One more week of prelims everyone..all the best!! :)

Sunday 16 August 2009

Another week passes by...a tiring one as well. It has been mugging non-stop and I guess everyone should expect's end of the year..teachers are pushing to finish syllabuses and start intensive revision. Prelims are coming in 11 days time for 'O' Level students..already on for 'N' Level students...and soon after no time..the 'O' Levels itself. Time seems to fly by very quickly during this period of the year..after that, some feel time slows down..some say it goes even faster..some say there's no difference..some don't care at all. But in any case, time goes at exactly the same pace no matter which period of the year it's just how we're spending it that determines our perception of time's speed. We all have the same 24hr + hours a day. Let us all use this wisely. I was just watching the National Day Rally which I believe most of you didn't watch coz you consider it an utter waste of time..but it shows us how our nation has progressed..what to expect in the future..what changes can be made. One can take it as a good break from mugging and find out more about current affairs. Its importance will come to us somehow. Anyways, just wanting to share a picture I took today with everyone. Its not a great picture by any standards considering I took it with my phone and I'm not a trained photographer..but somehow I like these "subject-less photos". It makes me feel relaxed and looking at what nature can bring us. Hope you enjoy the pic and all the best for the upcoming week.
It's difficult to succeed..but it's even more difficult to make that conscious effort to start the road to success...

Monday 10 August 2009

National Day gone by...Oral and Prelims coming up. It's an uphill task ahead for everyone..lets all pull through this together with strength! Lets not look at it as suffering...but the beginning of our eventual careers. Something to work for...something that everyone of us will carry for the rest of our lives. Come on everyone!! You can DO IT!!!

Sunday 26 July 2009

Woo! Mum's friend finally collected his DB9!! Haven't seen the car though..but will be soon..will upload on facebook. How often do you see these cars in Singapore??

Congratz to Lewis Hamilton and McLaren for their first win this year..congratz to Kimi Raikkonen as well..also wishing Massa a speedy recovery in hospital.

Life always throws situations that make one upset...but the experience gained from overcoming these situations will follow you through life..good or bad decide

Wednesday 22 July 2009

Rain has finally arrived..and in full force this morning..rain till I reached school. Oh least it somewhat ends the rather hot and I mean HOT weather the past few days. Went to band yesterday to catch up with them..and oh man..I totally forgot that the past Sunday was Mr Yeo's birthday..sorry Mr Yeo..It was only until they started singing the birthday song for him then I realised.. :X Nice gifts the band presented to him..including a nice new long baton. Well thats LC..was ok I guess...finally Chinese is OVER!!! So relieved finally.

Sunday 19 July 2009

Caught Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince this afternoon..quite a nice show..most funny of all the six I think. week has passed by..not much to post about..but on Friday..the NDP rehearsal..haha..Rosalyn will be conducting for NDP..she's got potential..but..haha..she did something so funny..haha..such laughter..nevermind..all the best to her and DMB for the year ahead. Chinese LC coming this thursday..after that..hopefully..very hopefully..that marks the end of my secondary chinese studies. I've been so waiting for that time to come. 99 days to 'O' Levels people..all the best!

Tuesday 7 July 2009

Hey peepos, long weekend just passed. Just a quick recall. Saturday, went to watch Transformers. Was a really good movie..well worth the free tickets..haha =D Gonna watch Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince soon. Hopefully can get discount..hehe. Sunday, did homework during the day then went to SAFRA, eat at chinese restaurant..good food..cod fillet, pork ribs..great meal. Played pool after that. Yesterday, went to have lunch with my mum and Causeway Point..had Pizza Hut..walk around..had dessert at Delifrance..Fondant au Choclait...woohoo..warm chocolate cake with hot fudge centre served with vanilla ice-cream..haha..imagine that man. Really nice. Went home and slept early. Seems like everyone is patching up severed friendships from the past and thats really good..everyone is happy with one fights no arguments..well except the one who doesn't the end it's no gain all lost for that person..if you're gonna 'kill' or shout and scream and everybody..who is the idiot in the end?

A friendship is like a boat. If you maintain a good friendship just like maintaining your boat, that boat can carry you across the vast oceans and protect you from the elements..always with you. But if you do otherwise, that boat will have holes..just like holes in a bad friendship..and that boat will eventually sink with you on it.

Friday 3 July 2009

1 week past. School reopened with a twist, had to take temperature at the gate. Thermal gun style, like gonna shoot you between the eyes. Haha, ok so ya lessons, twice-a-day temperature checks, other than that, nothing much happened. Oh yeah, the outrage of a person by the name of Lim Chin Guan. Yes I understand his character but you know, I just can't see why he doesn't change. Why why why??? Well other than that incident, the past week was pretty routine. My sincere and heartfelt thanks to those who attended Philyouth's concert on 28th June, to those who didn't..haha..well all I can say is you missed a concert worth attending. Well, that halts the musical part of me until after 13th November. Time to buck up on academics, so relieved I've earned back the 'trust' from some teachers. Gonna watch Transformers this weekend..FREE! HAHA. Ok whatever. I wanted to watch with my classmates but unfortunately, this led to that and I couldn't go. Had to attend some other event. Ok thats it for now..see ya! :]

Wednesday 24 June 2009

Hey everyone! I'm back from Malaysia. I don't know if I should be surprised or not that I'm not quarantined. But at the moment I'm fine. Well, was in Malaysia for 3 days. Left on Monday and here's a summary of my trip:

Day 1
Woke up at about 8:30. Set off at 9 to Dunearn to return their bass trombone (feel like reporting the out-of-alignment-slide, but nah. Let them send it to repair themselves..wasn't my fault anyway). Saw the band, just falling-in again after break, returned the trombone and set off for Chua Chu Kang to borrow my friend's bass trombone. Borrowed, returned home, got my stuff and set off for my dad's office. Stayed there for like 30min, sounded like 10 times busier than a few months ago. After that, went to Defu lane so that my dad can pick up some parts for his work in Malaysia, ate lunch, then finally, we set off for Malaysia. Supposed to go to Klang, but due to changing circumstances, went to Kuantan instead. So add 4 more hours to the drive. We left immigration at about 12 and reached Kuantan at 8pm. 8 hours drive..woo. Stayed at the MS Garden Hotel. First time I saw a room with the TV so far away from the bed. Sorry, no pic of the room. End of day 1

Day 2
Rise and shine at about 9. Went for buffet breakfast inclusive of the room. Not a bad selection, had Nasi Lemak and additional scrambled eggs. After that, my dad set off for the port in Kemaman for his job. My mum and I hanged out at the megamall which is right next door. Nothing much there, so I sat down at Starbucks and used the free internet there. My dad finished his job at about 2 and soon we set off for Klang. My dad said that the bak kut teh at Klang is very nice so we went to eat some for dinner when we reached there after the 4 hour drive. Here's a pic of the bak kut teh:

The pork was nice and the soup is nice but because of the herbal taste, I don't really fancy it. After that, checked-in at the Prescott hotel. We actually got lost trying to find our way to the hotel. Even with GPS, we still were confused by the narrow roads there. The hotel is only four storeys high but the rooms are ok, considering we payed far less than MS Garden, almost half. Here's a pic of the view from our room.

That's our car, the black Nissan Cefiro, 2nd row, 2nd from the right. End of day 2

Day 3 (today)
Woke up, had breakfast at the hotel's 'casual rastaurant'. Again, inclusive of the room. Also not bad, but selection is more limited here. After that, went to this megamall called Aeon and my dad went off for his work. It's a modern shopping centre. Really looks like a mini Vivo City but absent the high-end boutiques. Did a bit of walking around, had cake and cappuccino at Secret Recipe and after that, set off in taxi to KLIA LCCT (Kuala Lumpur International Airport Low-Cost-Carrier Terminal). The reason we went to the LCCT is because we are flying Air Asia back to Singapore. The tickets are RM270 for 2 including taxes and surcharges, so thats RM135 per person which equates to about S$58.70. To give a comparison, one Singapore Airlines or Malaysian Airlines ticket including taxes and surcharges is RM300/S$130.40 for one person. For a 55 minute flight, that really isn't worth it. Checked-in to the flight, the boarding pass is actually like a receipt, here's a pic

Sorry for the blurry picture but according to the boarding pass, the flight was supposed to leave at 1440 hrs. The plane was arriving from Shenzhen and it landed at 1440 hrs. As a result, we were delayed like almost an hour. Not really good especially in a budget terminal. At about 1530, we finally were asked to board the aircraft. Seats were leather, quite comfortable. Legroom was alright for a 55 minute flight. My seat was at the window so thats good too. By coincidence, we were number four for both takeoff and landing. But, with this coincidence comes further delay. We finally landed at 1630 hrs, one hour late. Had dinner at the airport and took the MRT home.

Well thats a wrap, my friends, please do catch Philyouth's concert this Sunday if you can make it! It's free if all you thrifty, miserly people are asking. 3pm at the Esplanade Concert Hall. Just walk in, no tickets required! Here's our repertoire for the afternoon:
- Indiana Jones Selections | John Williams, arranged by Helmer van der Heide
- Tuba Tiger Rag | Soloist: Marcus Huang, Tuba | Harry DeCosta, arranged by Luther Henderson
- The Typewriter | Leroy Anderson, transcribed by Floyd E. Werle
- Children of Sanchez | Soloist: Ong Shi Chun, Flugelhorn | Chuck Mangione, arranged by Naohiro Iwai
- Flight of the Bumblebee | Soloists: Ralph Lim, Clarinet; Lee Jun Hao Simon, Oboe; Chua Yi Hao, Flute | Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov
- The Sound of Music: Do-Re-Mi | Richard Rogers, arranged by Takashi Hoshide
- Divertimento for Trombone and Band 1st Movement | Soloist: Foong Jun Jie, Tenor Trombone | Dominique Wyckhuys
- Imagine | Soloist: Tan Khai Boon, Alto Saxophone | John Lennon, arranged by Takashi Hoshide
- Cartoon | Paul Hart

Hope to see ya there! :]

Thursday 18 June 2009

Holidays are ending...just one week and 3 days left. I just feel that this holiday was one of the fastest that I have ever gone through as a student. Maybe it's because of the academics and the like. Well, I've nothing against it, just go with the flow, study, do schoolwork, have some rest and fun here and there. I think this has been one of the more meaningful holidays I've spent. Seeing it's the last time I get to do almost everything, I'm doing them now while I still can. Watching concerts, playing music, going for BBQs, etc. I just began to realise how uncertain my future is. Yes I convinced myself to become a musician, but my parents aren't supportive, the country's economy is most probably not supportive. It makes me wonder if a musical career is viable at all. I had an interest in aviation, now I don't seem to have it. I used to have an interest in maritime, now I don't have it. I don't really like to 'wait and see what happens' because it means that you have nothing to work towards. But now, my parents keep telling me: "Treat music as a hobby, not a profession." It kinda pisses me off when I hear that. Yeah my father is well respected in his field, might be earning big soon, but at what cost: Less time for family. It's not the scenario that I want. I don't think I am and I don't want to be that kind of person. To me, I believe that given a choice, you should always choose something you enjoy doing. Imagine this: Job A: Work 12hrs a day, 6 days a week, frequent overseas work, frequent meetings with clients, pay: $20000/month. Job B: Work 7 hrs a day, 5 days a week, locally based work, socialising, good work environment, meet when you want, pay: $10000/month. Unless you can be a workaholic for your life, I would think Job B is better. Besides, if you're looking for big cash, your paycheque should be out of the question. Because unless you're in Brunei, there's something called income tax. Because it's percentage-based, the higher your pay, the higher your tax-payable. Whats the point working so much more but earning just a miniscule amount more? I leave you to find out where non-taxed money comes from. Back to my point, career options are vast out there, I understand if parents want their child(ren) to take over their business when they retire, but I believe everyone deserves a choice at what they want as a career. So to all my friends out there, it's high time everyone thinks about what you want for your career. It can be anything, as long as you have a passion for it. Pursue it and never falter.

Failure doesn't mean it's over. Failure tests your willingness and strength to become better. Should one's tenacity follow his failure, success should follow too. So don't dream it's over.

Thursday 11 June 2009

Well, you can say a fun half-week just passed by. Monday, after D&D, went to East Coast for BAND BBQ! Cycled a lot there, ate nice food and enjoyed the sea breeze which can be experienced nowhere else in Singapore. Finally there is some strong wind in my face. Then the next day, celebrated Eugene's birthday, went to Lot 1 and watch Terminator: Salvation. Nice movie, maybe I should consider watching the first 3 movies. After that dinner with friends..haha..played a prank on Leonard and Carmen..haha 9 people pang seh 2 one of the biggest pang seh we've ever pulled off..haha. Then yesterday, Had chemistry practicals, did speed of reactions, datalogger, investigation of solids and liquid and the star of the day: FLAME TESTS! Woo, the flame tests were so playing with fireworks. We videoed and pictured the fiery moments and after that homed. Went to Lighthouse Bistro for dinner with my mum and her friend. Nice Ox tail. Oh yeah..and I got a white bold tie for my performance on the 28th..unfortunately, it's not really done with good workmanship..the tie isn't really balanced looking, oh least it doesn't cost a bomb. Haha. Now to get a blazer. $$$

Friday 5 June 2009

Well, one week of D&D camp just passed by. Today being the last weekday of the week, I'm at my most tired state. But it has been worth it. I've been motivated to study very much during the holidays and thats what I will do. Yes I'll balance out my work with recreation, becasue this period time will probably be the last before the 'O' Levels when I can fully enjoy my recreation. I'm glad I've stepped down from CCA, although I love it so much, everyone has an expiry date. I'm glad it is in the hands of people trusted to bring up the band. I leave my post with absolutely no regrets, although I wish I could've contributed more and sometimes for a moment I would want to turn back the time, my conscience is clear, I have done everything for a reason and I won't regret it. This organisation has given me many viewpoints of how people are and can be, be it good or bad. It has somehow shaped me into what I've become today. I get to know different people, work with them and do a 101 things. It has become a part of me, and I wish to keep that part forever. It has given me a purpose in life and I wish to pursue that purpose, no matter who or what are the obstacles. Throughout my life I've met so many different people; people who make others laugh, people who irritate, people who care, people who are good leaders, people who wake up in the morning and say: "I'm gonna make this day a good one!". There are many other examples, I may be one of them stated above, but only you yourself will tell you who I am, who you are, and who others are. No one can change your own perspective except yourself, but people can influence you to. It's whether those perspectives have meaning to you. To me, everyone starts off with the same opportunities, its whether you want to add more opportunities, lose them, or stick with them. It affects your thinking, and your future as well.

Saturday 30 May 2009

Well, a rough week just many things just kept hitting me till I feel so low now. Firstly my results, an L1R5 of 24 and L1R4 of 17 is really too bad to get anywhere of my choice. That report card really put me down and my mother continued the beating. And today, yes so many things great were acheived today, but still, haiz...I just can't motivate large groups positively. I guess it's just me, I just don't I have the thinking that can get everybody actively involved without complaints and all the problems that follow. So, I guess that has made my week rough and I don't think it's gonna end. Next week starts with 'O' Level and continues with intensive lessons, I can imagine what more roughness can be added to an already rough time I'm already having. Trying to think positively, I just recalled that everytime I think positively in rough times like these, almost nothing improves..some even worsen. Does persistence even help anymore? I guess I should lay low for a while but it's not me to lay low. I guess my plans for my future are crashing down on me, what fine plans.. I just realised that Singaporean society is rather unforgiving, you fall, you rarely can get up and build upon it again. There are those who do make it big, the rest, well, you can decide how you want to label them, the public's favourite activity. Labelling is just so common these days. They should change the text in the SS textbook. 'Globalisation' shouldn't be the catchword for the 21st century, it's 'labelling and stereotyping'. Seriously, it's so big these days. Yes yes, I know some of you who read this thinks I'm talking crap because I think too much and all the problems about me start to come to your mind. Well, I'm not stopping you, you have the right to think however you wish to. I know who you are and you know who you are. Usually you guys hang out together..usually you guys depend on each other for company etc...yes some of you hate me, no problem, continue shooting and shooting, if you benefit by only pointing out mistakes and not doing anything about it, do let me know, I shall share your story worldwide: "The person who benefits by only complaining". Yeah, sarcasm, but honestly, you people think you have the best ideas, the best experience and the best advice because you point out problems easily. Yeah, any Tom, Dick or Harry can do that, it's just how you think of a solution to it. You think by sitting down and letting other people solve the problem helps? THINK COME ON, THINK!!! Think, if you continue doing this in your future, will any employer want to keep you for more than one month? Will you be able to keep your boyfriend or girlfriend for one week? Will anybody respect you for just one day? Yeah, live the very very easy life, just let other people do the laborious work and problem solving. I tell you, your minds will rot until you can't think anymore, so start now. You don't have to take a big step to start off with, after all, a journey of whatever distance be it short or long always starts with a single step. I shall make my first step to improving my studies by studying during the weekdays during the holidays just like normal school days, make it like 7hours of studying every weekday. Discipline is all that is needed.

Sometimes the right thinking and the right choices means you have less friends, but you can be assured, your best friends will always be there, through thick and thin, provided you treasure them.

Friday 22 May 2009

Woo..finally I've time to post. Been 'busy' after the exams. Wednesday, went to play pool with Michael, haha completely trashed 6-1. Aiya, but shud have been 7-0, but nevermind. Yesterday, went swimming at the Raintree with Daryl and Michael, Shermane was there too because you know why... And here I am now, just got back from work, tired, but I still want to post. Exam results have been here and there..2As: E Maths and Biology, 1 failure so far which is Combined humanities..ARGH!!! ONE MARK ONLY!!! But it's not the end..must continue to strive harder...but one good thing is I finally passed my CHINESE!! Man I hope that on June the 1st, the paper will be something similar to this MYE paper, then pass then I don't wanna take end year 'O' Level Chinese liao. Wah next week Chinese intensive lessons..nothing but Chinese on wednesday and thursday. Then the next week, D & D camp. Woo..power studying this coming holidays. By the way, can any meteorologist tell me why is Singapore's temperature so high these few days?? Is she having a high fever?

Think with your mind instead of your emotions. There is a difference, one makes a person think, the other is mere human reaction.

Thursday 23 April 2009

Exams have started! English today, was quite ok, neither papers were hard nor easy. Almost couldn't finish both of them because of rather poor planning but nevermind, it's over. Chinese tomorrow, gonna just get over with it fast and quick. Next week, lessons as usual. The next week, exam again, followed by the next, and the next again so won't be posting until exams are over. All the best to everyone! :]

Sunday 19 April 2009

Hi readers, sorry for another long wait. Something wierd happened to me this week, I just lost the drive to do anything at all. I don't feel like listening to the teacher, I don't feel like doing work, I don't feel like playing music, I don't even feel like sleeping or eating. Perhaps it's the illness I suffered from last week. I just hope I get out of this, it feels painful to be in this state, not wanting to do anything. Well, speech day has come and gone, my last performance for DMB. But it didn't feel memorable. Maybe because there wasn't time to take pictures, no passing down of the duties, we didn't play pieces that will make the younger members weep in memories. Life as usual. Will I ever change? Will there come a time when the teachers will not chase me for overdue work? Well, I'm working towards that. I don't think it's too late to change, so for those out there, don't give up, there's still time to buck up. Let's start NOW!

Wednesday 1 April 2009

I've just got a jolt of motivation to study, I don't know why and how, but that's how I feel. This past Monday and Tuesday, I attended the Adam Khoo workshop. Was quite familiar to me because I attended Dr Ernest Wong's camp last year and Adam Khoo was a student of Dr Wong. Pretty much everything that was covered was familiar to me. Just went there to enjoy the cool environment and have some time off from academics. Yesterday, the school gave us a form to write down stuff like our personality, ambitions, awards and acheivements blah blah blah which will be considered for the testimonial in the School Graduation Certificate. Just completed it, but I shall hold it till the last minute, hehe. Prom nite to be held at the Concorde Hotel on Orchard Road, theme is...haiz..Retro Night: Swing Back to the 70s. Seems like everything is going Retro these days. D'Gig is retro, prom nite is retro. I guess they can't think of anything else..well this ends my post peeps, till next time, good bye!

Sunday 22 March 2009

Wa lao..even to correct and remind some people is wrong..seems like everything I do to some people is always wrong..why does it have to be like this??? Want to be anonymous at least show some respect by not criticising others..want to point out something wrong at least put down your name lah please..otherwise just say it infront of me! What a coward..and btw this is not happening on my's happening somewhere else. To Treasure Hunter..if you are reading this post right now..I ask of you to see me personally ASAP, you have really gone too far. If even to remind who is the person who gave constructive comments to our band on saturday, what about other leaders? Aren't they doing similar things every band prac? Reminding people? People are really losing their guts these days, lose and lose until they don't have any left to even put down their own name. So please people, have some dignity for yourself and put down your real name the next time you post something anywhere, especially if you have a problem about something. Hiding yourself by being anonymous really shows you don't respect others and YOURSELF. Yes I know I showed disrespect to the librarians on saturday. I have apologised publicly and sincerely for that. But yet after that you showed the middle finger to yourself by criticising me because I was reminding the members who Mr Adams was. What the hell is wrong with you???

Thursday 19 March 2009

Argh, can't sign in to band blog and I need to post something. Haiz, alright, nothing much for this blog's readers about this week. it's pretty much band almost everyday so I guess I will bore everyone if I post about band. Ok so do come back soon, updates are coming! :]

Thursday 12 March 2009 many problems!! world just turned upside down in one week! Gosh..demands demands demands!! I hope all of these end tmr..friday the 13th...what a day. Many thanks to Abel for his help today...thanks lots and sorry for all the trouble. Band prac today..had to leave early coz I think the principal gotta go for the sec 2 least one thing cheered me up this week: we finally got back our Cefiro!! Ahh...missed my armrests and the silence of the engine..haha..well I'm just gonna live through tmr and hopefully I come out alive...

Friday 6 March 2009

Hey's been more than 1 week since I last much has passed... This past week was rather uneventful...lessons as usual, band as usual, but thursday I felt so gd..dunno why... Somehow I feel some joy when I teach..working with very young kids, teaching them's so fun, but only for the patient people. Well, now I have 3 other colleagues who are DMB seniors: Kai Yuan, Benjamin Wu and Valerie (hopefully I spelt it correctly). Well going for exchange tmr...cya all ppl! :]

Tuesday 24 February 2009

Thanks Eugene for the encouragement..actually, I would like to thank all the people out there who have in some way or another encouraged me to pursue something for a good cause, be it my own or not.. I guess some of those encouragements have really moulded me into the person I am today, although I myself know that I have many flaws that I should change. Well today was pretty ok..better than yesterday anyway..well PE, played badminton then soccer, Maths, did 13.4, finally..temporary end of trigo! MT, nothing much to comment, actually it's that I don't want to comment. Bio converted to CME period, had some assignment to do..well day over..

Monday 23 February 2009

Haiz..a really dismal day for me..but I only have myself to blame, I guess I gotta buck up and change for the better..

Saturday 21 February 2009

Hey people!! I just opened a livejournal dedicated to music and that u guys who don't understand much won't get bored here..haha. From now on all my musical posts will be on my worries..this blog will still be as alive as it is now..I hope..For those of you who wanna visit my livejournal..the link is on the left

Thursday 19 February 2009

Today's band prac was turned into a video watching and a session in which we 'admit' our problems so that it can be resolved in dialogue. Due to time constraint, only 4 ppl were picked to voice out anything they wish. It was quite dramatic, but it's a time-worthy session. I was also inspired by Mr Yeo to try out something called multiphonics, playing 2 notes at the same time. was so cool. After the session, had a lengthy conversation with Mr Yeo about advice for my future..was quite motivated by the same time I was reminded that choosing music as my post-secondary education is quite risky..but it's a long story behind it. Well, I guess I gotta do lots of reflecting...
Now that this subject of 'passer-by's is on my tagboard, I would like to touch on it. 'Passer-by's are people who pass by..not doing anything..So in the first place, if you call yourself a 'passer-by', you just read and don't do anything else. But instead, you guys make stupid comments and knowing the fact that you put your name 'passer-by' there, you feel so safe saying ANYTHING. I mean come on, its really inconsiderate to do such things. And another thing, I'm sure people don't greet you "Good morning passer-by" or "Hi passer-by!" It sounds stupid isn't it. So pls, be considerate and don't be a dumb-dumb by typing your name as 'passer-by', because in the end, it makes yourself S-T-U-P-I-D.

Tuesday 17 February 2009

I just realised how close I am to stepping down..just 8 weeks away from this saturday. But it seems to me that some of the sec 3s just don't have the right attitude..I mean this organisation's future in the coming months is in your hands..not mine anymore. I just feel that what you guys have said so far have really disheartened really makes me unsure about this band's future. You guys need to change your mindset if you want something good to come up in the months to follow. Remember that you people are the band. If you guys want something, you people gotta work hard for it. I know you guys treasure friends, I'm sure everyone does, but that doesn't mean that friends is the only reason you go for something. If it is, soon you will not like what you're doing, it's hard fact. You go for something because you know you will enjoy what you will be doing, because you have a passion for that something. Only then will you like and enjoy what you are doing, then, if you like and enjoy what you are doing, you will want to go for more and if you go for more, you get better, if you get better, if becomes more enjoyable. It's a cycle that repeats over and over again. The band is a group, so, if you guys motivate each other to do what I've just mentioned, success easily comes your way. Just remember this, I know it's from the school's diary, but it's meaningful: If you work hard, the results are easy; if you work easy, the results are hard. But also bear in mind that success is not everything, what is most important is that you enjoy what you're doing and that you give your best every single time.

Thursday 12 February 2009

Another week passes by...where shud I start? O yeah. Last friday. Sound check at SCH. Went there, waited, Ngee Ann came. Went into the concert hall. Started the soundcheck. Damn we sounded so much better than at Yuying. Soundcheck over, went back to school. Practice my audition pieces. Btw they are Andante from Concerto for Double Bass by Antonio Capuzzi and No.29 from Vladislav Blazhevich 70 studies for BB flat Tuba Vol 1. After that, cross country. X country over, went home, day over. Saturday, band prac in the morning, had warm-ups at the parade square, was tiring man...Then we took time off our SYF pieces and played a song from a Jap anime..was so cool..such a nice melody. Ok after that went to eat with Isaac n co., after that went over. Sunday..enjoyed a relaxing day..nothing much to say. Monday, SS it back today actually, got 8/12..not that spectacular. Tuesday, PE..did long jump..was so sandy..scored straight 8s. Maths test after school..was quite easy I shud say. Physics SPA...was on turning effects of forces..shan't elaborate more coz the teachers told us not to. Wednesday...Bio SPA prac, was on diffusion and osmosis through a dialysis tubing. Argh, screwed up the first part..didn't use the paper clip!! After that..was quite ok. Then the final Chem SPA prac..I got my readings..then suddenly Mdm Leow said that everyone's reading is like 'high'. Her reading was around 18.5..almost everyone's readings were like 19 and above..wonder what she did that we didn't...haiz was chaotic..ppl did like 5, 6, 7 even 8 titrations...really crazy. Sectionals after that..went normally. Today, got back geography test, got 13/20, again not very high, B3. Then English tutorial, got a nice magazine from Ms Khoo, called Present Perfect..quite a nice magazine..did compre..then went for band. Did very short warm-ups. The band has a tendency to slow down at a certain point for Overture, kept repeating it. I got quite fustrated actually. In the end I played like I don't want anyone to hear me..haiz..I mean I played damn soft..not really a practice to that I enjoyed. Well thats all for the review of the past week..hopefully there will be another next week..cya then!! :]

Believe you can, work real hard and the results usually will come your way

Thursday 5 February 2009

Half day of school today. Went to Singapore Poly for the Polymer course, it was really fun coz we get to see how certain plastic wrappers, objects like clothes hangers and bottles are made and we also get to make a nylon fiber..really cool. But this at the expense of missing a band prac..haiz. Anyways, went to Accent after the workshop. Tried my first trombone..yay!!! Haha ok I know I sound wierd but I'm just so happy. I tried a Conn 62H bass trombone and it sounded very good. It was so cool!! First time playing a double trigger bass!! haha..after that I asked the pricing of some other trombones and bought a few stuff. Homed after that. Tmr going to Singapore Conference Hall for sound check so NO LESSONS...yes ah. haha

Saturday 31 January 2009

Went to Yuying for exchange today. 7 bands were there altogether, many ya. Played our set and choice pieces..still have a lot to work on. So tired.... Wah next week got X-country...sian..even more tired...haiz..well I better get some rest then..cya all peeps! :]

Thursday 22 January 2009

Firstly, Happy Chinese New Year in advance everybody! Yes, hope you get lots of hong baos and I wish everyone good health and prosperity for the new year. Tmr only 2 periods of lessons, but MT, haiz…. After that gonna have the Chinese New Year concert, after that probably play soccer. Got my first hong bao today from Mr Yeo (thanks again!). He also said that he will be confident DMB will get at least a ______ for SYF. Haha leave you guys to guess. So once again happy chinese new year in advance everyone! :)

Sunday 11 January 2009

Another week passes by…I still can’t get out of my old self..still have unfinished assignments blah blah blah…expecting a few teachers to scold me…haiz…gotta do something about it..Promotion day was alright..lost my voice for a while after the Samba..played our pieces over and over and over again..became a bit boring after the 3rd time or so…total we had 45 registrations..I know this is lower than some CCAs but the number of ex-band members has increased thats gd…provided they join us. 2 ex trombonists!!! 1 came yesterday..can play..can read nt bad..the other was busy..sounded talented..I hope not arrogant. Was invited last minute to play with Zhenghua this morning..hesitated to go…but at least we can keep in touch..first day of SYF is 79 days away..I hope the balloting result will not be on that day..but still we gotta work really hard to win gold DMB!!